Danny Ardoin Quotes (12 Quotes)

    He's been outstanding since he's been here. He's focused. He came out tonight, located his fastball well, stayed ahead of hitters, kept the ball down, changed speeds when he needed to and showed a nice curveball, something he hadn't thrown too much before.

    The last couple of years I have worked some things out offensively and it's gone fairly well. There are some things where I have room for improvement. I think with enough AB's I will show that I can be an offensive force, but who's to say exactly what that will be. I know that I won't just be an out in the batter's box.

    I'm putting myself and my team in a position where we have a chance. Last year at this time, something else might have happened. I might not have put the ball in play. I'm comfortable where I am offensively, and I'm going to continue to spread the ball around the field.

    I was 30 years old and I had four kids and I had to decide what happens if there's no more baseball So, last year was going to be my last year if I didn't get a considerable of time. And, well, things worked out.

    That's something I'm not going to do, because I still care for each and every pitcher that's out on the mound, and that guy still has a livelihood.

    That's just one to throw away in the trash, pick it up tomorrow and play solid baseball.

    I'm just trying to make solid contact right there, and I got a slider over the plate and put the barrel on it.

    (Brandon) Webb is a premier, No. 1 (starter) in this league. I felt I put some good at-bats against him.

    I knew that if I ever got here and got an opportunity, that I would be able to stick around and make an impression. It's nice for that to happen here.

    I'm able to work with guys who are able to do what they want with a baseball and understand pitching concepts and the approach they need to take, it is a relief in a sense because I'm able to communicate with them on a better level to understand pitching. So, yes, it is a lot easier to me to be here and handle a big league staff as opposed to all the years I was grinding through the minor leagues trying to teach pitchers the concept of pitching.

    It's good that we don't play a completely different style, because it helps everybody to know what his role is.

    Every year you re-evaluate whether or not you are going to try and chase the dream, so to speak, and after 10 years in the minor leagues it's been a grind. Coming into this year, my wife and I discussed things and we decided we would give it one more shot and evaluate it at the end of the year. So far, so good.

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