Danny Irmen Quotes (7 Quotes)

    They have nothing to lose. It's scary to play a team that has nothing to lose.

    I've had a lot of success against them. They're a great team, great defensively. It just seems the puck goes in the net for me when I play the red and white for some reason.

    When you go back home, there's mixed emotions. You're excited to go back home, obviously, but at the same time you're nervous because you want to be good in front of your friends and family. But, there's 20 other guys on the ice and we'll help him out this weekend.

    After the game (against Wisconsin) was done we just wanted to forget about it. We knew what we had ahead of us. It's a big weekend. Now, you lose and you're done. There's no more excuses. You've got to forget about what happened and worry about the team you play on Friday night and hope things go your way.

    He's just so creative in practice. He's one of the fastest, if not the fastest guy in college hockey. He's just got such a good sense of awareness and hockey sense. You've got to realize that he's young and it's tough coming in as a freshman. Even as good as you are, it's an adjustment. He's really caught on here the last couple of weeks and he's just going to get better as the season goes on.

    You've got to realize that it's not a one-person sport, and you've got 20 other guys out there to help you. Phil tried to do a lot himself the first time we played Wisconsin (this season) because he just wanted to beat them so bad. We've just got to let him know that it's a 20-man sport and we're going to be there to help him.

    What cup We haven't talked about that at all, and that's one of our things as a team is we don't want to look ahead at anything.

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