Daren Beaudo Quotes (8 Quotes)

    There are technical challenges with viscous oil and these facilities were created to handle light oil. It's not necessarily the characteristics of the crude oil, it's water. Water is the source of corrosion. You've got to have water in the line to have corrosion.

    They are not necessarily as sensitive to very small leaks at any one time.

    Our participation in the state lease sale is aligned with our current interest in progressing Liberty along.

    We need a healthy oil business in order to move to a healthy gas business. We view oil and gas as one package and the agreement reached with the governor is finely balanced.

    We expect that the majority of the material recovered is going to be oil.

    We're looking at 13 billion in capital investment over the next decade.

    Changing the rules and dramatically increasing taxes on prior investments and future investments sends a chilling message to any company considering investments in Alaska.

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