Darin Erstad Quotes (28 Quotes)

    That's what we do. We have two guys who can juice the ball, but for the most part we just put the ball in play and make things happen. We're at our best when we're doing that.

    Bart has done a great job this year stepping up and putting an end to a loss.

    It is hard to describe what he meant to this team and this organization. As a teammate, he was the best -- No.1. Having him at the tail end of games and having his mentality in the clubhouse was everything.

    We really don't care. We got our foot in the door, and that's all you ask for. Whatever happens, happens.

    I haven't thrown that way it two years. It's just a process. It's going to be sore some days. We're getting through it. It's nothing major. Just some normal stuff.

    It doesn't matter. It's where I've spent most of my time. My palms will sweat a little less.

    At this time of year, runs are harder and harder to come by. Given that we haven't been getting hit after hit on a consistent basis, our offensive execution is going to be key.

    I'm just getting up to speed with the infield. I'm not completely comfortable right yet. But the transition is a lot easier than it was the first time, ... It's pretty much the same game. Stop the ball and don't let it get by you. Catch and throw. Pretty much the same.

    We know how great they are and the great tradition and all that stuff. But when we step on that field, we're playing our game.

    It was a long day, but well worth it. It was really good. It was great.

    I understand it, but it doesn't make it any easier. I've been through a lot with these guys and the bonds are pretty strong.

    I'm sure I'll butcher some plays in spring training. I've got to go out and screw up and get used to playing the outfield again. That's the only way I can get back to normal.

    I don't care who it is, I don't like to see that ever. Because it means we're walking off the field and we lost.

    He bears down in the tough situations, and we haven't been able to get to him. Lackey pitched great he's been pitching great all year and we didn't do anything all night. It's frustrating.

    Are you kidding me He's the face of the Angels. That would be awesome. If he's healthy, you know what you're going to get. The guy's a born hitter.

    You look at guys toward the end of their career that have moved to first to, they say, save on their legs, ... I'm not at that point where I'm ready to throttle back the way I play. I believe you get out what you put into it. Wherever you're at, you can make an impact.

    It's his first time in the playoffs. I'm not sure he's even played on a winning team. I know how it felt for me the first time.

    They don't say that at all. They say the opposite. They say things like 'Those balls in the hole aren't hits any more,' ... It's just people's perspective. What it boils down to is what's best for our team. And with the acquisitions we made this year, putting me on first gives us the best team. And I've said it all along whatever's best for the team, I'm willing to do whatever.

    I just think we believe in each other. I don't know how much deeper it goes than that. We have a lot of confidence in each and every guy, regardless of who it is, and we've been very fortunate here to have a group of guys who are like that.

    He's just been a big-time pitcher for us. He just has something inside him where he rises to the occasion, and you can't teach that. It's hard to put your finger on what it is, but I like it.

    People love throwing that out there 'Is it going to wear on you more, wear on you less' I don't know. Just play and whatever happens, happens, ... You know, you can't worry about that stuff. You do all your exercises and hope it holds up. I can't do any more work to make it stay healthy. If it goes, it goes.

    He's been doing it a long time, and there's no doubt in my mind he's going to continue to do it.

    We've gone through tough times and good times and we always take the same attitude, to just keep working and playing our game.

    Run scores, we win. I could care less about that stuff.

    I was kind of foggy for the first four or five innings, then I really started to get into the game. It's not like I was out there spaced out. But we had gone through a lot of high intensity and mental exhaustion the last few games, and sometimes it can be tough to get it going.

    I can go, but this is a chance to let it calm down.

    It's all for the same thing, ... Kids playing baseball.

    They won, plain and simple, and we lost. One thing I know is we get to sleep (last night).

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