Dave Andreychuk Quotes (14 Quotes)

    Obviously, you dream about this day. You don't know how you are going to feel. I feel excitement more than anything else, I feel excitement for what has happened to our club.

    They always say they're going to cut back my ice time. Well, I don't want them to do that. I want to force them to play me.

    Certainly, if they are going to be calling the games the way they have been, then our power play is going to have to work.

    Obviously I've been frustrated most of the year. I want to continue to try to do what I have to do to make this team win. They're going to need goals from me. I have to contribute. I have to get better.

    Our special teams have been bad to say the least. Our penalty kill has not been going very well nine power-play goals allowed in four losses and we have not been getting that big power-play goal when we need it. When we were on that 10-1-1 streak the power play was going. We need to get back to that.

    I hope so. I'm not leaving the area. I've got to do something. I can't just sit at home and bug my wife every day. I'm looking forward to starting a new life and looking forward to being a part of this organization if they want me to. Obviously, there's got to be some settling and then I'll get back and see what they want me to do.

    Obviously, it's not a good situation. Nobody wants to see a work stoppage happen, and it's always looming over in the corner that we may not be playing hockey. And that scares me more then anything else.

    We just needed to find a way to win. Our (confidence) was a little shaky. Three weeks ago we were on a pretty good streak and things just don't change overnight. ... It comes down to believing in each other and finding a way to win.

    A lot of mixed emotions. But that was 48 hours. After that 48 hours, I was able to reflect back on 23 years. So I'm not going to let 48 hours spoil my fun.

    We discussed that already. We're obviously going to go out on good terms. I want to be a part of the organization in some capacity. Hopefully, when the dust settles here we can talk about those things.

    I still want to be a player and I still felt that I was a player. Obviously as a competitive pro, it's tough to give that up right away. You still have that edge that you want to play.

    Obviously, with the amount of ice time I was getting, the situation with our team, it wasn't a shocker. I've been around long enough to realize the situation I was in.

    I feel like I can contribute. I'm not playing the way that I want to. With the new rules and with the new systems we have, I'm not playing as much. I'm not playing up to my standards, that's first and foremost. I'm the one who has to look at myself in the mirror every day and I have high expectations for myself.

    It's awesome. It took me 29 years of hockey to get here, and I'm so proud of our guys because we got a Game 7 at home because we worked hard all year long.

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