Dave Byron Quotes (12 Quotes)

    These are major working facilities for county government. Who's going to pay for it

    We thought we were in pretty good shape.

    Instead of deleting the inaccurate original transmission, they took the second transmission and added that money to the six weeks of earnings they already had.

    They Daytona Beach Fire made the decision that the victim was deceased and so care was ended.

    It's too early to say how we're going to take care of those employees. We don't think it's going to cost the public money. It's going to cost us a lot of effort.

    Now that the rules have been changed, it does change the way these events can be put on. It's not as easy and it's not as clear-cut as to what is the acceptable thing to do, so I think people are trying to err on the side of extreme caution.

    We had to figure out where we go from here with 160 bottles of champagne and bars of chocolate, which I hope are being refrigerated.

    We now believe this is a much bigger problem than we thought originally.

    The organization is shocked and saddened. Cindy is a very popular county manager with the employees.

    We were able to weather the hurricanes (in 2004) as a result of the fact that we had money set aside for emergencies. It's a very clean audit. In terms of any significant problems -- there were none.

    If the county council approves the contract as written, he will sign it. He will sign it immediately upon approval.

    Bondi has never been this quiet. It's sad to see such an icon of Australia not being used because it's here for everyone.

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