Dave Esquer Quotes (24 Quotes)

    Sixty percent of the time, if he makes an out then we're stuck waiting for an extra-base hit from the guys behind him. It's just the proper play. It's kind of by the book, but this is a team game and we have to rely on more than just Allen Craig.

    It was tough today. On days like today this park can keep games a lot closer than they should be.

    I'd rather be anywhere if the weather would turn better. We haven't played in good weather yet-we've been dodging rain and cold everywhere we've been. Hopefully our bats will warm up once the weather starts to get warm here, but they haven't yet.

    I think it's indicative of a young team that hasn't matured yet that we play to the level of our competition. We've got to establish some consistency. We obviously know what we're capable of at our best, and we're not at our best.

    How they act during this time means a lot. It's just been one of those strange years where things go a lot differently than we expected. Who knows, maybe the story of the season is in front of us.

    Josh had one of his best offensive days when he played second base at Davis. And whether it's psychological or not, we tried it out just to see, and he did well today. He looked much better at the plate.

    Jordan hasn't played in a long time, and he really sparked us today. That's what we're looking for when we're moving guys in and out of the lineup. We're looking for that spark.

    We've won three out of our four (conference) series, but unfortunately one bad weekend in league can hurt you. Two one-run losses and one big-series loss and we're still trying to recover from that.

    We still haven't met up with any warm weather, so we're still waiting to thaw out a little bit. That's not an excuse, but hopefully we hit some good weather.

    We don't have a true closer right now, so we're going to play the hot hand. We're kind of forced to play the hot hand and let it roll until it starts to falter, and unfortunately it did.

    We're going to be in a hostile environment against a very good team. It's going to take us rising to the level of our competition (to win).

    The makeup of the lineup doesn't really make that much of a difference other than where you put Allen Craig. He's been driving in the most runs and getting on base the most. Unfortunately he can't hit one and three.

    He's close. He's real close. It's just getting into game rhythm-that's all that is. It's not his technique, it's not his ability. You've got to get in a rhythm of competition and it just takes a while for someone to get started.

    Thinking of the long season, it's better to hold him out than to risk injury. I don't know if (his absence) was a factor, but obviously not having one of your starters out there can hurt you.

    Our middle of the lineup and our average with runners in scoring position just haven't been that good. We haven't given our pitching staff any margin for error yet, and that's been a little frustrating.

    They played well. We had plenty of opportunities, and we just couldn't do it. We give ourselves opportunities to win, but we haven't had enough consistency to really get us on a roll.

    We've all had some good outings and some highs in the short season so far. Now it's just a matter of repeating those and stringing together some more of those good wins.

    I feel for the kid. He needs at least a little luck.

    Our defense has made seven errors in the last three games. I don't think we've made seven errors all year. (Ross) had a stomach flu the night before, so we were lucky that he could even pitch. It was a good effort on his part and we made a couple mistakes that cost him.

    I think they're coming around. We strike out four or fewer times per game, and that's excellent. It's a whole lot easier to get yourself hitting if you're already (making contact) than to get yourself hitting from striking out. If we continue to push and feel positive, it'll happen if we make it happen.

    It's going to give us an idea of where we're at and what we need to improve on. It will by no means define our season, because we feel that our best days are yet ahead of us and we've got to get ourselves playing to that level.

    What we would have to do to make it is almost impossible to do if you think about it. But one game at a time, it's a lot more manageable. It's tough to sweep anybody on Friday.

    We're starting to believe a little bit. We're starting to believe in our bats a little bit, and it's taken a long time to get there. That's big for us.

    While we gave up more runs than we've been used to, we've still got to score runs too. We just haven't been able to put it all together at any one time.

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