Dave Odom Quotes on Basketball (11 Quotes)

    I'm tremendously proud of our team and the effort they gave. We beat a very good team that was playing its best basketball. To be able to be able to beat them speaks volumes about the distance our team has come in the last month or so.

    The beauty of basketball is that you do have conference tournaments to retain some lost glory. But you're going to know pretty well, going into Wednesday, what you're faced with.

    For once, we came out of the locker room in the second half and played liked we wanted to win the basketball game. But at one point, we decided we had played well long enough and reverted back to some old habits.

    I think most veteran coaches (and) most fans understand that it is easier to create a tournament atmosphere, a basketball-like atmosphere in a building that is made for basketball. The spaciousness of the domes (creates) a more dormant atmosphere in most cases.

    We are delighted to be playing in the finals for the second consecutive year. That is a big thing for our team, school and our state. Madison Square Garden is a great place to be playing and a great place for college basketball.

    After talking with the doctors and our medical staff, I am going to be very careful not to bring Renaldo back until we are confident his knee is completely recovered and able to withstand the physical demands of SEC basketball. A final decision will be made closer to Saturday's game time.

    I know when you look at the annals of college basketball, he was truly one of the best. Even today, he's revered. Those teams he coached when you go back and look them up could be the best in the country at the time.

    He had a basketball IQ. He could make that kind of change. But there are very few of those guys.

    That was probably the first time since we've been here. You could tell that Kentucky had the bit in their mouth and we didn't. They were out to win the basketball game. We took time-out and I think they understood pretty well coming out of there how we felt.

    He'll just dunk on you. Lots of people would call that style. I wouldn't. I just call it good basketball.

    I think we know how Michigan wants to play style-wise, but can we stop them - I don't know. In college basketball, it is always about style and how styles contrast. My guess is that it is going to be low scoring. We are not going to give up a lot of points. Whether we score enough points to win, I don't know.

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