Dave Odom Quotes on Chance (6 Quotes)

    We didn't make free throws they did. We had them down by eight points and didn't build on the lead at a time when we had a chance to do so. We let them back in the game because our offense didn't get its job done. That's when we made some turnovers. That's when Sam Young did his damage.

    I would think that the committee would certainly look at that and say that South Carolina has done well and deserves a chance to be part of this new format. I don't think it would be automatic. I think a lot would depend on how we play in our next couple of games, win or lose.

    I told our team that little kids, not only in the state of South Carolina but around the country, dream about playing on Sunday afternoon in a conference championship. For our team to have a chance to do that makes me very proud.

    I told the guys that when you're 5 years old, 10 years old, you dream about playing on a Sunday afternoon in a conference tournament. They dream about that. To have a chance to do that makes me really, really proud.

    We needed a shakeup we needed a change we needed a different slant. I thought our team had a chance to win the game. I really did.

    I'd rather not play him one game and have him the rest of the year than take a chance on playing him when he's not fully recovered. That's probably the direction we're going to go.

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