Dave Rader Quotes (14 Quotes)

    As much as it ticks me off, I don't want to forget all the good things they did because we threw a lot of plays at them and they handled a great majority of them.

    Please tell him that we are so very proud of him. And I don't even know how he did today.

    He had some interceptions on the first day of spring, and we told him we can't afford them. He did a good job all spring, until today.

    For me to come say 'Yeah, I taught him how to coach,' that would not only be laughable, but inaccurate. He had, in my opinion, that mental and emotional makeup at (age) 18.

    He's still not full speed. That's really too bad for the young man. He had an opportunity here and his body hasn't let him do it. He's a talented young man. He could help our team.

    We progressed the other day. Guys were making plays, catching the ball, doing things right. They come to the stadium today and the only people fired up may have been the people here from Middle Tennessee or Southern Miss.

    I'm ticked off. Sometimes, you have days where it all sums up to an inefficient day. We haven't had that day yet. Today was the day.

    I think our guys have an attitude about them (heading into the bowl) to play tougher than what they've shown.

    We missed some reads, we missed some throws. Things we've been doing this spring, we didn't do them enough today. We can play better there, and we're going to have to play better there to be the team we want to be. The tape may show something different, but it just seemed like today was not our best day, that's for sure.

    Coming out of last spring, we had a lot of confidence in John Parker and what he could do. If Brodie could not have gone the distance, we could have won a lot of games with John Parker.

    I don't think so. Running through the game plan in my head, each one is different, but they're the same in that we feel like we have an offensive scheme we like to use that our guys understand. I don't see it changing a lot.

    The last couple of games, we had a lot of (the same) goals, but one thing we haven't done is have more big plays than the other team. We operate on big plays. We need those big plays to happen.

    Always thought he might do that. One of the most intense competitors I've ever been around. Very good communicator. Will do well.

    He has to learn how to take care of the ball while still being aggressive. You can't just do quarterback sneaks all the time and win, but we can't afford turnovers.

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