David Clark Quotes (18 Quotes)

    When we find someone buried in another grave, that is going to be a situation we won't discover until it comes time to dig that grave.

    I'm not at all picking on the Internet -- the Internet does what it does well, ... But there are some things where you say, 'That doesn't work right.'

    When we moved in three years ago, we were unaware of the severity of the water. It's becoming a health issue. It's getting bad. It's really getting bad.

    This indicates a wider culture of control and intolerance of dissent.

    I don't like going to the doctor, so I just let it go. But it just continued to get worse, and after they did the blood work, they found out it was mono.

    We might just be at the point where the utility of the Internet stalls--and perhaps turns downward.

    If we fail to support research in our universities, the research and scientists will go elsewhere. The economic benefits of jobs will go elsewhere. Utah must be actively engaged in order to generate that future high-tech market.

    If you look at the Internet today, it does what it does really well. It's profound, but we can look at it and see some things that aren't right. The most obvious is that there is no framework for security.

    This is the first time I've ever seen or heard that a developer wants to do the show back to back. And the builders wanted to be in on it again. That's unheard of.

    We have listened to gays and lesbians describe painful rejections for an orientation they insist they have not chosen. Neither is acceptable for students who struggle enough with the difficulty of adolescence.

    Foreign exchange definitely hurt the top line. The market obviously doesn't like it. It never likes revenue misses.

    There's a lot of people who come by, and the recognition is fine. Any time someone pulls off the interstate, they spend a dime. And that's a dime we normally wouldn't have.

    The Grand's giant oak trees weathered the storm very well and today remain as majestic as ever.

    We've been working extremely hard to make sure our students are better writers. I think you see that reflected in these scores.

    This is a place where many miracles will be performed in years to come.

    He wants ten inches. Right in the middle of the fillet.

    I am very proud of the team and thought we won it up front. We started well and put them on the back foot. But the Japanese are world class when they spin it wide.

    It seems like everything is going wrong for us. I'm not a believer in them (Houston). There's not a team that can make us look that bad. We're just playing bad.

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