David Donnelly Quotes (12 Quotes)

    We need to dismantle this corrupt House DeLay built over the last decade.

    This administration is doing things to create a fair and open process concerning planning and zoning issues. We will continue to mail (development notices) to the 300-foot limit.

    Tom DeLay lived by the sword, and Tom DeLay died by the sword.

    Rep. DeLay doesn't want the people of Houston to know what he's up to with corrupt lobbyists in Washington. There should be no place in Congress for the corrupt pay-to-play politics of Tom DeLay and Bob Ney. No more lip service. Congress must address real reforms that drain the money swamp of Washington.

    Tom DeLay lived by the sword and his career is apparently now dying by the sword.

    We encourage the Libertarian Party of Central New Jersey to meet with the newly appointed township attorney, the township clerk and representatives of the administration to arrive at a mutually agreeable change.

    In order to maintain this commitment to our clients, we constantly strive to improve upon the services we provide. These promotions will allow the firm to fulfill the goal of providing clients with service at every level that is second to none.

    Although we didn't get directly affected last year, we have learned from other places that were hit.

    A departmental review is still ongoing. We just want to make sure the review is conducted properly.

    Because this is a legal matter that is now in the courts, the administration has no further comment until it is resolved in the courts.

    While this is unfortunate and something we did not want to do, in order to stabilize the sewer utility this increase is necessary. This administration needs to stabilize the sewer utility rate so if we are pressed with an emergency we do not have to go back to the taxpayers for a further increase.

    There are times where it seems like we don't have enough people to do what needs to be done, and sometimes it seems that CERT performs that. There are several different roles for them to play in an emergency situation, and we're always looking to expand that and involve these people as much as we can throughout the year.

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