David Ferris Quotes (6 Quotes)

    That's why he wrote so many piano concertos.

    Another reason is that many users will have restrictions on their mailbox sizes for the foreseeable future, ... A flood of spam can cause the message store space to run out, in which case new bona fide incoming e-mail will be refused.

    Conceptually, both (antispam and antivirus) are trying to control e-mail coming in and out through policies,

    The trouble is, almost all filters today work using simple keyword-matching approaches, when what's needed is something with more natural language interpretation intelligence. Otherwise, any reasonable attempt at defining filters ends up either letting much too much in that you don't want in, or stopping bona fide messages.

    There is competition among the people who write viruses to create special mischief around New Year's Eve. We think it's a good idea for companies to shut down their e-mail systems for about a 24-hour period. But they also need to have contingency plans for a period afterward so they can fix their systems in the case of time bombs sent earlier.

    Looking at Microsoft's announcements recently you have to wonder what's going to happen to the corporate desktop. I have a theory that they are going to be under threat in the next three to five years.

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