David Hale Quotes (10 Quotes)

    There are very important structural changes occurring that will set the stage for important improvements in the world economy. There's a great deal of optimism in the air and a great deal of opportunities.

    Anytime that a Jordanian and an American meets on issues of common interest, all of the possible misperceptions or suspicions just fall away.

    Back when I gave that speech in March, some of my hedge fund friends thought it would be a big issue by the third quarter. But here we are, it's July, and it just hasn't seemed to register.

    My guess is that we'll hear by November who it is, given the need to have time for Congressional approval to occur, but I think the selection is wide open,

    I'm concerned with the street issue, but very pleased with the developer's willingness to consider using re-routing to control traffic, as well his willingness to redirect the water,

    We simply couldn't look the other way when it came to the village. The village is wonderful, but some of its principal buildings downtown needed reinvestment. We felt we were probably the only entity capable of helping with that reinvestment.

    I'm disappointed. I didn't think it would be that hard to move a driveway so that it's not a straight shot to the door.

    All of us are astounded by the momentum of the mutual-fund industry. It's an awesome thing to behold.

    Every year you face some adversity. It's just the way you deal with it.

    If you buy selective, high-quality equities in emerging markets, you'll make money over two years,

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