David Herron Quotes (6 Quotes)

    Any loss is disappointing, but when you're playing for a conference championship ... well, it's over now.

    Today's activity is pretty gloomy. The Nasdaq and SP weakness does not look good for the marketplace.

    My goals were to get stronger and faster, ... And to have more focus. The way I trained this summer, I believe I can have a great year.

    With all these factors in play, scale becomes important in order to compete with these large marketplaces.

    We're seeing a lot of volatility, a lot of indecision as people bail out of stocks and other people jump in, ... We could be seeing the classic signs of bottoming, but we thought the market was topping for three years before it went down, so maybe we're going to be thinking it's bottoming for three years before it goes up.

    If we can tack on more gains tomorrow, we'll be up for the week, but there's a Russell 2000 rebalancing tomorrow that tends to create selling late in the day,

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