David Kay Quotes on Efforts (4 Quotes)

    As leader of the effort of the Iraqi Survey Group, I spent most of my days not out in the field leading inspections. It's typically what you do at that level. I was trying to motivate, direct, find strategies.

    Despite arduous working conditions and an inhospitable and often threatening environment, the ISG ... has performed its important mission with great skill and the utmost integrity, ... While there are many unresolved issues, I am confident that the ISG will do everything possible to answer remaining questions about the former Iraqi regime's WMD efforts.

    We're taking steps to ensure we're all singing off the same sheet of music, ... Coordination is essential to the effort we're engaged in, and we have learned from our mistakes.

    But is it Even if inspectors return to Iraq with expanded powers, can they document, uncover and dismantle Saddam's full arsenal more completely than their predecessors (From 1991 to 1998, monitors found hundreds of tons of chemical agents, dismantled more than 800 Scud missiles and wiped out Saddam's budding nuclear program, but they didn't come close to uncovering everything.) The U.S. has even less confidence in inspections after a hiatus Saddam has had the past four years to hone his concealment skills. In eight years of efforts to uncover Iraq's stockpiles, we taught them what we could find, and they learned how to conceal, deceive and deny, ... is a lot smaller but a lot harder for us to ever have detailed knowledge of.

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