David Lowe Quotes (9 Quotes)

    A couple of bad cases have been picked out to drum up support to abolish youth rates though it is clear the stories are exceptions, not the rule.

    They're about 10 miles from the ocean, and they'd never had water before. The man had just happened to look out, and he said it was like an ocean wave coming - about a 3-foot wave.

    If the price of doing the work for those businesses that are currently working with the union goes up, then the property owners have plenty of options to go to those companies who are not working with this union at the moment.

    We did not wish to produce a report that contained a number of serious allegations unless they had an opportunity to comment.

    We wanted quite simply, and perhaps naively, to let both sides make their case

    We now have the specter that new forests might increase greenhouse warming through methane emissions rather than decrease it by sequestering CO2. This paper will undoubtedly unleash controversy, not the least of which will be political.

    Government might want to consider how it can wriggle more cleverly to balance the 25 per cent increase against its commitment to lift economic growth,

    There is no difficulty with that concept, but not all companies have received the same level of profit.

    I look forward to speaking with the citizens of Pulaski County about how the judicial system works. Not only am I willing to present the Pillar of Justice Program about the court system, I'm also willing to speak at special events such as Memorial or Veteran's Day, or during special school activities.

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