David Mandelbrot Quotes (7 Quotes)

    My feeling is we are doing something new here. We are building a collaborative effort that will make a great deal of copyrighted material available in a way that's acceptable to the creators. That is novel.

    It's really important that the content creators have a say in how their material is used on-line.

    Traditional television broadcast advertising strives to raise consumer awareness of a product or service, in the hope that a consumer will remember that product or brand when making a purchasing decision.

    We've always worked directly with the owners of content to make that content available. In our experience, that has not slowed us down too much, and it has helped us to build strong relationships that have helped us in other parts of our business.

    We are only including copyrighted content with the express permission of the copyright holder.

    Our announcement today is really a call for participation. We're hoping for more funding from other organizations.

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