David Oman McKay Quotes on Life (6 Quotes)

    Please do not think me a pessimist. I love life. I think it is a joy to live in this age. Every morning, as I greet the sun as he ushers in these unexcelled autumn days, I feel the joy of living. I realize the accomplishments, to a certain degree, of this wonderful mechanistic age. Today time and distance are practically annihilated.

    By fasting we are losing nothing financially we are blessing ourselves physically and we are gaining greater spiritual power to withstand the temptations that we meet in life and, best of all, in giving to the poor we are practicing the very essence of our religion.

    The virtues that combined to make this perfect character are truth, justice, wisdom, benevolence, and self control. His every thought, word, and deed was in harmony with divine law and therefore true. The channel of communication between him and the Father was constantly open so that truth which 'rests upon revelation' was always known to him.... His short though eventful life was one of benevolence which comprehends charity and love. His self-control, whether exemplified in his power over his appetites and passions or his dignity and poise when before his persecutors, was perfectwas divine.

    There is no cause to fear death it is but an incident in life. It is as natural as birth. Why should we fear it Some fear it because they think it is the end of life, and life often is the dearest thing we have. Eternal life is man's greatest blessing. If only men would 'do his will' instead of looking hopelessly at the dark and gloomy tomb, they would turn their eyes heavenward and know that 'Christ is risen' With all my soul I know that death is conquered by Jesus Christ.

    The greatest battles of your life are fought within the private chambers of your own soul.

    The power of choice is a God-given gift, and the purpose of life is happiness. Things which pertain to the physical nature are so easily obtained and the pleasure so immediate that many spend most of their time seeking them and neglecting the permanent joys of the spirit.

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