David Sheldon Quotes (5 Quotes)

    It really opens up a slippery slope, ... It opens them (the Bush administration) up for attack where they don't need to be attacked.

    The pressures recruiters are facing are enormous. On the other hand, Sgt. Mulero accepted responsibility for what he did.

    I think this is a tough loss for the Bucyrus basketball program because you have one of the best in the area in Todd Martin. He got kids to buy into his program. I respect Todd's decision. Todd is a class person. Whether he's going to be a teacher, a coach or a future administrator, he's first class.

    I have recently moved away but I am glad to hear the proposals were withdrawn. It was just the wrong site for a caravan park of that scale and the roads around it were entirely unsuitable.

    When I think of Colonel Crawford it reminds me a lot of the district I grew up in, a rural district that has had success, and what my brother has been able to establish in four years at Western Reserve. It will take some time, but I think our kids are going to buy into our philosophy. I know it's the right fit.

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