David Wilkins Quotes on Countries (4 Quotes)

    At every level in Washington, people are talking about that and looking for ... another secure document that would not inhibit or impede trade or legitimate travellers across our country.

    We're committed to making sure that our borders are secure and our country is safe. Will there be other deportations in the future I'd be surprised if there's not.

    The aid pouring from all across Canada has been truly overwhelming, ... Many countries are offering help, nobody more so than Canada ... You're at the top of the list and for that we will always be very grateful.

    Earlier this week, U. S. Ambassador David Wilkins effusively thanked Canada as well. The aid pouring from all across Canada has been truly overwhelming, ... Many countries are offering help, nobody more so than Canada... You're at the top of the list and for that we will always be grateful.

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