Dean Boyd Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Our goal is not to keep people in detention. It is to remove them quickly from the country.

    Clearly, when she began selling these on eBay to us, she knew it was illegal.

    If you don't hold the company accountable, you're not really achieving much. In all our future cases, we hope to bring criminal charges.

    We are required by law to detain illegal immigrants who have committed crimes or have criminal records, so sometimes we have no choice. We'd much rather release someone who's been arrested for working illegally than someone who has committed a rape.

    The only reason we got onto this case was because of a lucky tip. We could have launched this case a year earlier. It sure would make our jobs easier and save the taxpayers a lot of money if we had access to their information.

    However, we don't conduct random sweeps. All our arrests are the result of investigations, evidence and intelligence.

    The BEST task force concept incorporates personnel from existing intelligence groups -- involved in both collection and analysis -- to help identify and disseminate information relating to violent smuggling organizations.

    We know she was exporting sensitive technology with missile applications to Chinese government entities. A lot of our agents have invested quite a bit of time in this investigation.

    We're pretty much hand-in-glove with Customs and Border Protection every day in this initiative.

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