Debbie Johnson Quotes (19 Quotes)

    His house is gone, ... They found his truck in a tree and the tools he used to work were in the truck. Who knows if they were lost or looted.

    After a while, Anna couldn't hold on any longer and she let go, ... They found her body a few days later.

    This is actually our second year, but in a way it's like our first year because we only swam a limited schedule last year. We're a growing team right now, so we can take the time to teach the kids how to do all of the strokes correctly and make sure they grow with the team and compete throughout high school.

    He blames himself for Anna's death, ... He said, 'If I had left, Anna would still be alive.'

    It's been great. I've got great kids. Getting here was a great accomplishment. Sure, it's disappointing we lost, but I didn't feel like the kids quit. They were getting pounded, and they could've just shut it down and quit. What'd we lose by, 30 I was hoping we could keep it within 20, because they've beat some teams by a lot this year.

    At 930 that evening, her girls got scared and left, ... They went to stay with their grandma who's about 30 miles inland. They begged them to come along, but they didn't ... At 530 that morning, the girls were on the phone with them when the house started coming apart.

    We have a good mix of returning swimmers and kids who are new to the sport and never really swam competitively. Right now they're out here every day giving it their all and improving every time they get in the pool.

    Coming into the game we pretty much knew we were going to be outmatched. A little bit more than what I guess we even thought. They're very athletic, very quick. We couldn't get the ball where we wanted to go in our offense. They just met the basketball before we did and jumped in front of us.

    We didn't want them to drive on us because we felt like that's where they're most dangerous. We were going to let them have the outside shot, but they came around and some shots, and it hurt us.

    Point-of-care ADL documentation is very significant. It allows the nurse aides to spend more time caring for the resident. We have found that documentation is more accurate with this type of documentation as well. Integration is important so that various departments don't have to enter the same information over and over again.

    I suspect it's about 50 per cent of the country, from the stats that I saw (Monday) morning.

    We are not anti-union, but we are working to protect the rights of our employees. We just want them to use fair tactics.

    The people in Alabama have been wonderful to Bob, ... They've brought him clothes and Pastor Adams has visited Bob in the hospital.

    I knew it was foolish of them to stay there, ... I saw how Gulfport had absolutely nothing left. I looked at pictures of where his house might be, but there was nothing there. I was sure he got swept out to sea.

    One of the drives for me is inspiring other people. We want to be that inspiration to young girls out there, to women out there. We have songs that touch on women's issues and songs that touch on family issues in particular, one about a family waiting on their soldier to come home. We really want to touch people, and one of our main goals when people come to our show is for them to kind of forget their problems for a few minutes and have a mental break from what's going on in the world right now.

    A social worker said she was working on an angel flight for them, ... (Angel flights) have been used for medical transports, like for kids who need medical treatment and are too far away from it ... The other options we were looking at, like driving or on a bus, Bob would've chanced getting another infection, and he can't afford (one).

    Bob was in a hospital in Fairhope, Alabama, ... A few days after he went through triage for his arms, he got an infection. The dirty water got into an open cut and it's a really bad infection. He's being treated with antibiotics through an IV.

    My brother, Bob Boots, is a construction battalion and has been for more than 20 years and his home base was Gulfport, Miss.. He had a house that was only 1,000 feet away from the beach. When we were there, we'd walk to the beach from his house.

    We knew coming in we'd be outmatched, and we were maybe even a little more so than we thought. They're very athletic, very quick, and they put our top player out with five fouls, and that really hurt us.

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