Dexter Jackson Quotes (6 Quotes)

    James - he comes over all the time - and we just played, we were running down the street playing catch and stuff.

    Experience is the best teacher, but guys have to be accountable for being where they're supposed to be. That's something Sam and I have talked about. Do your job, do what you're supposed to do and plays will come your way. Take care of your things first-hand. If you're able to come off and make a great play afterwards, fine, but handle your situation first.

    I couldn't wait to get in. I absolutely couldn't wait. It's going to be a new era in education.

    I knew I wanted to play badly, but I had to look at the team goal, ... If I tried to play and hurt myself worse, the question was what would happen this upcoming season

    Me being a parent, it'd be tough. And family is big for him. He's with the All Pro Dads. He's a guy who put so much into his family time. It's going to be tough.

    Losing his starting job I just control what I can control, ... If that happens, fine, but I feel like I'm having a pretty good camp.

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