Deyon Pitter Quotes (6 Quotes)

    I've cannot have a victory, if you haven't been in a battle

    When you take a step of faith, obstacles are removed and doors are opened. Do not stand there wondering if you made the right choice, but keep on moving as your destiny lies ahead.

    Do not wait until all seems lost to look to God, it is in the times when all is well that we ought to be praising Him and thanking Him and drawing closer to Him with each passing moment.

    My generation was taught to go to school, get an education, get a job and live happily ever after. Do you see the problem

    If you want to impact the world, you must move out of your neighborhood.

    Everything we do in life requires a process, but if you don't make the first step, you will never complete the task at hand.

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    Success - Life - Education - War & Peace - Love - Generation - World - Obstacles - God - Belief & Faith - View All Deyon Pitter Quotations

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