Dianne Feinstein Quotes on Law & Regulation (9 Quotes)

    You're young, but obviously with staying power. I'm convinced that you'll be there for 40 years. ... That concerns me even more. It means my vote means more ... what kind of a justice will you be, Judge Roberts

    He said, 'I was an advocate seeking a job it was a political job and that was 1985. I'm now a judge, I've been on the circuit court for 15 years and it's very different. I'm not an advocate, I don't give heed to my personal views. What I do is interpret the law,'

    If this article is accurate, it calls into question the integrity and credibility of our nation's commitment to the rule of law.

    I guess what has begun to concern me a little bit is Judge Roberts, the legal automaton, as opposed to Judge Roberts, the man, because I've heard so many times, 'I can't really say because it may come before me, ... I do expect to know a little bit more about how you feel and how you think as a man, because you're a very young man to be chief justice. You could be chief justice for 40 years. That's a very long time.

    I'm now a judge. I've been on the circuit court for 15 years. It's very different. I'm not an advocate',

    If you, Judge Roberts, subscribe to the Rehnquist court's restrictive interpretation of Congress's ability to legislate, the impact could be to severely restrict the ability of Congress to tackle nationwide issues that the American people have elected us to address.

    Feinstein said she had expected Bush to select someone more conservative than Roberts appeared to be. I don't see anything definitive, ... And I do see things to believe that . . . this is a fine legal scholar who will truly look at the law.

    This raises very serious concerns about her ability to fairly apply the law without bias in this regard.

    In the Michigan case, obviously, you have I always forget whether it's the law school --- but I think the law school program was upheld and the university program was struck down because of the differences in the program. But efforts to ensure the full participation in all aspects of our society by people, without regard to their race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, all those are efforts that I think are appropriate.

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