Dion Harris Quotes (15 Quotes)

    We don't want any more morale victories. We don't want to just come close. We've come close too many times. We want to win. We played hard, but down the stretch Illinois made more plays.

    I tried to run the land, spot up and Daniel kept on finding me. We have a lot of good shooters and Daniel has been great at getting us the ball.

    I knew the time was running out and I just tried to get it high and give it a chance to go in. I knew they (Irish) were going to collapse on Daniel and I was waiting for the pass.

    That would be great for our team. Les is a veteran guy who's been here for four years. It always helps to get a veteran guy back, as far as leadership and experience on the court.

    I can't explain. It's just bad luck, I guess.

    We really went at it. I thought it was going to be hard for us to get back into team things. ... We played today how we practiced all week. We got in the mode of competing all the time, and it carried over into today.

    He just told me to go out there and just play, don't think about whether you're going to have a good game. Just don't worry about your shot, just do the things he knows I can do ... He says I'm an all-around player and I shouldn't worry about my game.

    It's going to be a great game. We beat them on their home court so I know they're going to come here and compete real hard and try to get us back for that. We're ready.

    I was ready to shoot it if he made the pass. And on that last shot, I just put it up real high. I knew it had a chance, and I knew I got it off in time.

    After I missed the first shot, I think I started rushing. I never did get a rhythm offensively in the game, so that's all that happened. It wasn't anything the defense was doing.

    I've been trying to come out and be a consistent player for the most part, and when it doesn't happen for you, of course it's frustrating.

    I just came out and give it everything I had, but it (ankle) did limit me a little.

    It's just getting back into the flow of things. When I first went out there, I thought I was fine. I practiced yesterday. I thought it was going to feel good. Regardless of what it looked like, I think I'm ready to go ... I should be all right for Tuesday.

    It's great having him back, because he plays so hard and brings a contagious kind of energy. We've found our rhythm again as a team, and the chemistry is back, and I think he's a big part of that. He's a big part of our success in this tournament.

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