Don Garber Quotes on World (4 Quotes)

    The selection of the league's all-time leading scorer in our nine-year history and the inclusion of one of the top youth prospects in the world helps recognize the founders of this league and celebrates the promise the future holds.

    Toronto would be an excellent addition to Major League Soccer under the leadership of Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment, one of the preeminent sports and entertainment companies in the world. We are enthusiastic about bringing an MLS team to Toronto and are prepared to host the 2008 All-Star Game and an MLS Cup in Toronto by 2012.

    Pizza Hut Park is clearly becoming a major destination for marquee soccer events in the United States. The tremendous support by the entire soccer community in North Texas for MLS Cup 2005 makes Pizza Hut Park one of the premier soccer complexes in the world the perfect choice.

    It's worth repeating a quote from Garber that appeared in my recent Sports Illustrated story on Johnson. We want kids to dream of playing for FC Dallas and being like Eddie, and the only way that happens is if he's playing in our league, ... Our future is going to have us looking to these special players as the foundations for the sport, and we need to find ways to provide salaries that are competitive with other parts of the world. More important than that, we need them to believe in the league and their role in building the sport.

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