Don Siegelman Quotes (9 Quotes)

    You used reports of a projected surplus in the budget to basically promise everything to everybody. In fact, you took credit for everything except raising our property taxes.

    Bob Riley has issued more no-bid contracts in three years than I did in four years,

    I'm not going to quit fighting so that Alabama will have a choice for governor in 2006,

    Today I am directing state agencies to work closely with each other and local governments and to make every effort possible to prevent the spread of the West Nile virus,

    A few obsessed government officials have spent millions of dollars of taxpayers' money in an attempt to control a governor's election, ... The people of Alabama aren't going to let that happen, and I'm not going to let it happen.

    I ask for a statewide recount of every vote in this election -- a recount of every vote in every precinct, of every vote in every county, ... Let's recount all of the votes and discover once and for all who was the legitimate winner of Tuesday's election.

    obsessed government officials who spent millions in tax dollars in a pathetic attempt to control the election for governor.

    Either way, it comes down to just 3,000 votes out of approximately 1,360,000 votes cast, ... That's just two-tenths of 1 percent of the total vote cast in this election. Such a small margin would have already triggered a recount in 12 states.

    But Siegelman tells a different story Sometime after midnight, after the poll watchers were sent home, a small group there decided to recount the votes a third time, ... No watchers legally entitled to be present were notified -- and then a different total was established.

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