Donald Trott Quotes (9 Quotes)

    While Circuit City has embarked on a program to modernize and hopefully improve in-store execution, the feeling is they continue to lose market share and fall behind the competition.

    Best Buy is the best of breed in the consumer electronics space right now. Circuit City's problems are worsening. It's really a questionable move for the company to get rid of some of its best sales people when its sales are eroding.

    Home Depot gave an upside surprise yesterday (Tuesday) and we think the strength you're seeing right now is just a continuation of that.

    We think that investor speculation on a potential take-over of the company could keep shares in the mid-20s range.

    I think the major issue that it always boils down to is ongoing earnings opportunities. The cellular business has been the primary driver in more recent years, but we think cellular will become increasingly competitive.

    It will be marketed later this month ... and we believe it will contribute to the further building of breakfast sales, assuming it gains traction.

    Initially, when they came out of the chute after the '91 recession, they hit a highly responsive chord with a public that was more focused on value. But even affluent people would go in and buy more goods.

    It's too early to figure out the impact, but generally, if you're losing market share, reducing customer service does very little to stem that loss.

    In my judgment a bankruptcy certainly is not precluded from being an ultimate scenario. However, I don't see it on the more immediate horizon. If you are a company of this magnitude ... to a certain degree the banks feel it is in their interest give you more rope and keep you going in the hope and expectation that you'll turn it around. I think that's probably what's going to happen here.

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