Doug Evans Quotes (18 Quotes)

    I hope I'm that active when I'm his age.

    Even though we were strong depth-wise last year, we're even stronger this year at all positions.

    We came out with good intensity tonight. We were focused and ready to go.

    I think we were feeling the pressure down the stretch, but our guys hung in there. This vision started a long time ago. Maybe not 35-0, but being state champs. Being 35-0 is just some icing on top of it.

    We will have a size advantage. I'll tell you one thing, we had better be ready to stop Serena and step out to defend the three-point shot. We will definitely need to defend because Serena has many capable long-range shooters.

    Well, I think these guys know it's been a vision since we walked out of Peoria last year. That vision started last year the day after we got home -- of starting to try that march again. This has been a 300-and-something-day march. And we want to continue on.

    After Plano went up on us 5-2 we got hot and started hitting on all cylinders defensively and offensively. Of course Garrett was hot, and any time he is hot he hits a ton and he sets up so many other players, too.

    We've played seven games in eight or nine days with Christmas thrown in there. We are ready for a break.

    I think everybody was excited and a little nervous with Robert out. But Tyler Smith did a great job coming in. What I like is that Tyler is a different kind of player than Robert, but he played solid basketball and set up some guys for easy baskets and made some really nice passes early. He just blended in like he'd been starting forever. It was nice to see a different lineup come out there and succeed.

    We've got the No. 1 ranking in the state, but everyone knows, especially in the northern half of the state, to win a state title, you have to beat Hales.

    We really didn't get the game in our control until about three minutes to go in the game.

    Hales has such a big advantage over a lot of Class A schools. Being in the Chicago area, they get to play a lot of great competition and see what they need to improve on.

    We didn't know that until one of you guys told us. Our focus has been on first getting here, then on getting this one so that we're playing two games on Saturday. If (being undefeated) happens, that's great, but we hadn't thought about it.

    He's a good enough player that he's going to get some points. You have to limit his touches and shut everyone else down. It's all about hard work and getting after the ball, and that's something we've done all year and did exceptionally well tonight.

    Normally we make that big run and run off and hide, but Serena would have no part of that. Serena played hard and they have a lot of seniors who play with a lot of pride. They came at us hard, but we expected that. But there was no doubt that we wanted to

    He's grown up all his life playing basketball with these guys. They've been very open in trying to help him and have kind of taken him under their wings.

    There's no doubt that since we walked off the court last year we've had the vision of getting back here.

    This is a great opportunity for residents to reduce water consumption by effectively managing their irrigation. The city feels this cooperative effort with CVWD will provide an ongoing effort to conserve water.

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