Drew Shubik Quotes (4 Quotes)

    Coach asked us how many of the other seven teams in the tournament would practice hard and with intensity, and we said all seven. So that's what we did. It's hard to mentally prepare yourself when you know there's a chance you won't get in. For those two days I was sick to my stomach. It was a terrible wait.

    We put some new things in, just to give them new looks. We had some plays where, as soon as we called a play, they switched their defense so that where he ended up, they'd have two guys already there. We're going to keep giving it to him. We're not going to go away from that at all.

    I should have just shot it. I don't know why I pump-faked. It's an old habit I have. The coaches drew up the play for me, and I missed.

    We turned the ball over too many times and we can't win like that.

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