Drew Weatherford Quotes (48 Quotes)

    I know it's a big deal. But it'll probably take me 10 or 15 years to understand how really significant it was to be part of something like that.

    The first play, the guard stepped on my foot. I threw a horrible ball (on the interception). I didn't make the right read. I threw a pick.

    I feel extremely comfortable with my offense line, receivers and backs. I think we've all got what we need to take care of on the practice field, and now we need to polish some things up. Now everybody is really excited and can't wait for the game.

    (Today) definitely gave me a lot more confidence and I am sure it does the same for our offensive line, receivers and backs. (It's good) to know that we don't have to rely on the run and that we can throw the ball and make plays that way as well.

    It was a very important victory - our first on the road against a very good Boston College team. The entire team did a good job of just keeping the faith and playing four quarters of football.

    Those guys came to play today. But overall I think (the offense) accomplished what we set out to do this spring.

    We didn't want to be predictable. I think a lot of people thought we were going to come out and try to establish the run, but coach did a good job of spreading it out, and that allowed us to run a little better.

    You don't see many 6-6 receivers who can jump like he can. It's kind of like a bail out for 50 yards down the field. I just threw it up and he made a play.

    It's huge. The long runs, the deep balls, the plays Greg Carr and Joslin Shaw are making, all of that is attributed to the offensive line.

    It was good for us to come out and bounce back from last week's loss. I think our attitude and work ethic was really good this week. I feel like we are continuing to get better as an offense each game.

    I feel I've prepared as well as I possibly can. The thing about Miami's defense, they are very aggressive, very fast. But big plays are there if you make the right throw.

    It's an honor to play in this game. They're the top two coaches of all time in wins (a combined 712). We're probably never going to see two coaches with that many going against each other again.

    I've been waiting for this for a long time. It's nice to get it out of the way, not only for me but for the rest of the team so we can focus and know that one guy's going to have the job.

    Somebody would always come in crying and have a bloody nose or bloody mouth.

    I probably won't watch it, to be honest. I'll just remember the victory and forget about everything else.

    There are a lot of young guys on our football team, especially offensively. Its finally our turn to go out there and make things happen.

    I've been steady, consistent. I think that's what they want.

    Some things are hard to come by, and some things are easy. I didn't have the maturity or experience to be patient and let the game come to me.

    We worked that much harder and we're that much more focused because we know we've got to come out and play a powerhouse the first weekend of the season.

    We've come a long way, really fast. I try not to think about it too much. I try to play this week with us being No. 4 in the country (Associated Press poll) the same as being No. 14 (on Sept. 5) with Miami.

    I get better every practice and game. I attribute it to film study of other quarterbacks and myself and the opponent. It is the most important thing that a quarterback can do. It takes a combination of instinct and preparation. I try to be as prepared as possible, but I try not to think too much.

    We knew they weren't going to give up. Unfortunately, they're in that situation a lot. We knew we needed to put a bunch of points on the board.

    We definitely have the talent, but football doesn't necessarily come down to talent. It comes down to a lot of intangibles. It depends on what kind of leadership we're going to have and what kind of chemistry we develop in the off-season.

    The game was a lot like our season, really. A lot of ups and downs, a lot of adversity, and when it came down to the end of the day, we just didn't get enough breaks.

    He deserves the credit for this win. Whenever he gets the ball in his hands, he has the capability to do something great and he did that tonight.

    We have so many good players on the field at one time, it wouldn't be right to just single out two, three or four guys. Plus it makes it difficult for any defense to account for everybody.

    I just want to go out there and not be so conservative and just get after it. Drop back, make my reads, throw the ball and be confident.

    I'm sure I'll make some plays a freshman will make. And I know I'll do some good things.

    When the pressure was on, both of those guys really came through for us in the clutch. Our freshman made some huge plays today.

    You know he's got good jumping ability, obviously. He's got the size. But now he's working out real hard. And that, combined with his route running . . . has made him a good all-around receiver.

    We didn't want to be predictable. We all discussed it as an offense and came to the conclusion that's what we wanted to do. That's the first time that's happened (vote on a plan) since I've been here.

    He didn't lose the game for us at all. He was the reason we were in the game. It took a lot of guts for him to go and (make the 48-yarder).

    It's probably growing up in a big family. There was really no one to complain to when my older brothers were kicking my butt. No, really, you've got to be that way. They're giving it their all. They're not trying to get you hit. I've come to understand that about this game You're going to take shots and you have to bounce back, get up and go at it again.

    They weren't really biting on anything. It hurt our balance a little bit.

    It's nice to have him back. He's one of our teammates and he was away from us for a long time. ... He gets a little tired and sore just because he's just getting back into it, but he's doing well and he's excited to be back out there.

    Right now, it all doesn't settle too good, to be honest. I think it's because we came out on the bitter end. But hopefully, we all can look back and be proud to be part of a game like this.

    I thought we would be a little more effective on the run. ... They were stopping the run so we decided we are going to spread out the field and see what I can do. It's tough when you spread a field like that if you do bring a lot of pressure. You can get burned.

    Miami and Virginia Tech might have a little more speed. But Penn State makes up for it with their knowledge of the game.

    One thing he taught me was how to throw on the run when I was young. He always had a good arm.

    I want the best guy playing, and if that takes us going out and competing every year, that's OK. Maybe I played the best this year, but next year maybe I won't be the best guy. Competition always makes you better. I expect an open competition in the spring.

    He calls the same type of game one week that he does another. One week, we execute it, and the next week, we don't. Players should be more accountable. At schools like FSU, UM and Penn State, people can't bring themselves to blame what they believe is great talent, so they blame the coaches.

    There was a point due to the injuries upfront and not being able to run the ball that I felt like we weren't going to win unless I made a play. I probably tried to do a little too much. I went from trying to not lose a game to trying to win it.

    I didn't play as well as I should have, but I'll improve each week.

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