Dustin Hermanson Quotes (6 Quotes)

    You got to accept it. When you're winning games, you got to keep doing what's been winning and that was keeping the starting staff there.

    I'm just hoping guys aren't reading the papers and guys are acting like kids and having fun. It seems like when this team is having fun, it's when we play the best. We haven't been doing that lately because guys have been putting pressure on themselves.

    Obviously, every time we have a lead in the ninth inning I want to be in there. I think they are trying to help me, not overuse me. I think they're doing the right thing, trying to take care of me, trying to protect me.

    I'm already pumped up. If I needed music to do that, I'd be in trouble.

    I've had a few days off, so it felt a little better than normal, ... I'll be pitching at 85 percent for the rest of the year, and I have been for a while. So, I'm just trying to go out there. Heart will get you through tough physical times, and I'm trying to pitch in my heart with more than anything else right now.

    I'm not giving up hope. It has been tough to swallow lately.

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