Edward Hasbrouck Quotes (9 Quotes)

    The two biggest factors that determine travel costs are Do you go to a rich and therefore expensive country, or do you go to a poor and therefore inexpensive country ... The Practical Nomad How to Travel Around the World.

    The domain appears to exclude the participation of the largest class of people who use the Internet to travel -- people who use the Internet to post their travel stories and photos and all sorts of things.

    The information sheets have often been accused of having a political bias, ... The big thing that's happened is the field staff is having more input into what goes into the travel advisory. But they're by no means the be-all and end-all people think they are.

    Traveling in the off-season can make a huge difference in travel costs to any destination. The more experienced travelers these days are making efforts to avoid going anywhere during the 'best' time to be there. That's the most expensive and most overcrowded time to be there anyway.

    Tourism has been a very big business in Thailand. There are very few Third World countries where things are so affordable, but so organized to make it so effortless for you to do what you want to do.

    It's off the beaten path. It cannot support mass tourism and I don't think they're trying to attract mass tourism. They want a limited, controlled amount of tourism that won't destroy the character of the place.

    I would be surprised to see any airlines go under before New Year's, but holiday schedule disruptions could be problematic, ... When flights are already fully booked at the holidays, it can be difficult or impossible to accommodate passengers if a flight is canceled. If the airline decides to reduce its frequency of service on the route, a refund is small consolation.

    This is the last warning that people are going to get before an airline is liquidated. I'm not saying people should panic now but they should be looking for other alternatives. ... Doing business with a bankrupt (airline) should be your last resort.

    It's out there. It's not next door to anywhere and it's not really on the way to anywhere.

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