Edward Murphy Quotes (8 Quotes)

    There has never, never been an instance found where any sort of anti-competitive behavior led to price increases in this industry,

    We're very confident that what is happening is a normal reaction to a market system, ... At the base of that is problems with the regulations that the (Clinton) administration has imposed on the industry.

    It's hard to make a convincing case that we're reaching peak oil production. It's really a technology issue. The question is how quickly is technology going to advance and will it advance as quickly as demand.

    Roberto Donna, the chef at Galileo in Washington, agreed. The hosts usually have a passion about fine wine, ... and we build a really memorable menu around the wine.

    I am extremely skeptical that we're looking at a peak oil perspective. We have tar sands, oil shale, advances in deep drilling. There's a lot out there,

    I have to give them credit. For a big corporate giant like they are, they absolutely are taking care of everyone.

    I don't know how we can get through the zoning, subdivision and land development process and get all the permits we need by Oct. 1. If we don't have all the permits and approvals, there won't be a settlement.

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