Ehud Barak Quotes on Security (6 Quotes)

    legitimate movement that believes in security and peace they have differences of emphasis and approach from ours.

    Let the Palestinians know that we were ready to allow for the realization of some of their dreams even at a heart-rending price, ... But let the Palestinians realize we too have dreams. We too have national interests that we cannot compromise -- the security of Israel, unity of Israel and our sacred values.

    The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) will deploy itself within the security zone in a way that will ensure the defense of our settlements and borders, and we will decide on the timing of the implementation of the pullout according to the overall picture of our situation,

    I know we have thousands of problems on the public agenda, ... (But) nothing is more important in my view than that supreme mission -- to strengthen the security of Israel by putting an end to the 100-year conflict in the Middle East.

    These elections will be the real referendum on (the issue of) the road to peace and security, to end the wars, to separate from the Palestinians and to live here forever among the people of Israel,

    With the emergency situation which the country faces, the embarrassment in the parliament and the need to go on and act to reduce the violence, and for the advancement of the peace opportunities and the peace negotiations, I've decided to seek anew the confidence of the people of Israel and to receive a renewed mandate to lead the state of Israel on the way to peace, security and to a proper civic and social agenda,

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