Ehud Olmert Quotes on Agreements (4 Quotes)

    We are talking about a desire to define the permanent borders of Israel in the framework of an agreement (with the Palestinians) based on the road map.

    We will definitely change the route either east or west in accordance to internal Israeli agreement. The fence that will be built... will be the border line that will separate Israel and the Palestinians. Israelis will not live beyond the fence.

    There is no good alternative to a peace agreement. There is no more stable peace than one based on an agreement. The time has come for the Palestinians to come to terms, as we have with the realization of only part of their dreams, to stop terror, to stop hatred, to create their own fair and democratic lives and look to a future of reconciliation, compromise and peace with us.

    In the coming period, we will move to set the final borders of the state of Israel, a Jewish state with a Jewish majority. We will try to achieve this in an agreement with the Palestinians.

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