Ehud Olmert Quotes on Government (7 Quotes)

    It's right that in certain polls there has been a little downturn, but I am sure that no one doubts who will form the next government.

    We are happy to announce that immediately after the president empowers me to put together a government we will start coalition talks ... to establish as quickly a possible a government with the Labor Party as the senior partner.

    I hope to form a government, which will have the broadest possible support, as quickly as possible.

    I hope today's decision will only be a short-term one. We are busy forming the next government.

    We had hoped to celebrate the Israeli democracy today in a different atmosphere, and now we are again forced to cope with murderous terror. The government of Israel will do what must be done in order to deal with the terrorists and those who dispatch them

    We are not ready in any way to allow a situation in which money transferred by the government of Israel will somehow end up in the control of murderous elements who want to harm Israeli citizens.

    We will not negotiate with a government that does not keep to its most basic commitment fighting terror.

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