Elizabeth Economy Quotes (7 Quotes)

    We see lots of bluster from the PLA (People's Liberation Army) and the Pentagon, ... But at the very top levels of government on both sides there is a consistent acknowledgement that this is one of the most important relationships for global stability.

    Industry has expanded, agriculture has expanded and the population has boomed. But there has been no thought given to how to manage the resources of the Yellow River.

    Never before has China been interested in playing this kind of role.

    In terms of China's global impact, it is a significant player. But while we are seeing a far more activist China, in terms of its ability to actually lead, it is severely hampered.

    Whether it's air quality, or water quality or availability, or land degradation, China's facing a very serious set of problems.

    I think President Bush was speaking to an audience at home and to other countries in the region that want to see that the U. S. is still committed to human rights reforms in China, ... The bilateral discussions will be trade, currency exchange rates and more trade, with some side issues like avian flu and energy.

    The United States needs China to step up to the plate and use its economic leverage or its position on the Security Council as a stick with North Korea and Iran.

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