Emma Udwin Quotes on Fairness (3 Quotes)

    I think it is important, particularly when you're dealing with a country like Belarus where the population does not have access to very much independent information, that we make sure that our messages are as clear and unmistakable as possible, and that when we say that action is being taken because of elections that were less than free and fair, that that is what the population understands has happened.

    It is now really very likely that some action will be taken, following up what the council of EU foreign ministers said in both November and January, that ministers stood ready to take further restrictive measures if the elections turned out not to be free and fair.

    We have no intention of taking any measures that would harm the population of Belarus if a decision is taken to undertake further restrictive measures. Those measures would be targeted on those who are deemed to be responsible for elections which have been judged not to be free and fair.

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