Eric Winston Quotes (19 Quotes)

    And I've wanted to get better every week. That was my goal. My recovery time is quicker. Against Florida State, I was still sore three, four days later. After Duke, I felt better Sunday night.

    When it got to 27-0, I started looking for blood. I wanted to embarrass them. We were coming in the fifth-ranked team in the country, but you guys made it out like we're 55th.

    He keeps getting better every week. He'll mess something up, and the next week you won't see the same mistake. The big thing is we have to give him enough time back there, and he's going to make every throw he needs to make.

    They threw a lot of new blitzes at us early in the game. We got on the sideline, Coach Art Kehoe drew up a plan and the guys responded.

    A lot of it's about pride. A lot of us have pride. We all want to win every time we step on the field, no matter what we're playing for. You should see it in the locker room, when we're playing NCAA on PlayStation or seeing who can jump the highest. ... My last game, I want to win.

    There are some tough places to play in this league, and there are some good teams. You can count on one thing at Miami They're going to give you their best games. We've got to be ready for that in this league.

    This is just a chance to go out with a bang. I'm looking at it as an opportunity to showcase it one last time and start on a new path that I'm going to go down on. ... We can set the tone for the young guys next year and leave on a good note.

    You can break down those nine sacks... but you fall into that trap of rationalizing it. You can't rationalize something like that. When something bad like that happens, you have to take your butt-whipping like a man. We accept the fact that we didn't play up to snuff.

    There's a lot of goals out there people don't think about. All the years that I've played the full season, we've won at least 10 games. That's something that's real important to me. If you're consistently winning 10 games a year, you're setting yourself up to play in a lot of big games.

    My neck hurts. My lower back doesn't feel too good. My knees are the best thing about me right now, so I don't know what's going on. As far as the formerly injured area, I feel good. I have those two-a-day lumps, the tired neck from keeping this big helmet on, but other than that I feel normal.

    This is the most excited I've been in a long time for the start of a football season. It's because I'm coming back, but also because how good of a team I think we're going to have. Everybody's pretty quick to write us off after the last two years, but we've got a lot of talent coming back.

    We're still trying to build our team and make sure our team is solid on all fronts. We don't want to neglect anything worrying about somebody else. We're shaping and forming a tough, gritty team right now and I hope we don't take away from that by just preparing for someone else.

    Wright is just a different person now, ... You come into Miami as an 18-year-old and you get a little wide-eyed, like 'Holy crap, what's going on here' Now, you kind of get through a couple years, it's not so much of a big deal anymore. Now it's his time, the pressure's off a little bit, he understands what he's got to do. And it's just a matter of knowing that he doesn't have to make the big play.

    We've got a nice little stretch of home games and I hope everybody comes out to see us, because we're going to start putting up some points. And when this team gets a little rhythm, watch out -- because we've got a lot of talent out here.

    I feel fine. I couldn't have asked for more. I don't feel like I'm being held back by anything. I don't feel like I'm being slowed down. I'm playing the way I play, and that's how I'm going about my business.

    I think we have a lot of attitude about us.

    Kyle's starting to get up there where Ken (Dorsey) was. Ken didn't care what people thought of him he'd get in your face, grab you by the jersey and such. Kyle's getting to where he doesn't take anything from receivers, or from any of us, yet he's very professional in doing it.

    We came in here ranked fifth in the country, ... You all acted like we were 50th.

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