Felipe Alou Quotes on People (9 Quotes)

    Like I said, it's all about perspective. So now can you at least try to understand what caused Felipe Alou's visceral passion when he heard those hurtful words spill out of the radio I grew up in a time when people weren't afraid to fight or even risk dying to change things, ... But things are different today. People are so busy, and so compromised now that they are sometimes afraid to say or do anything when something wrong happens.

    At a time when they can't afford to lose, as San Diego's magic number to clinch the National League West creeps toward zero, the Giants looked like a old team that has had one day off in the last 23. I won't say tired bats, ... but tired people.

    It will energize the crowd and the team. He does not have to hit home runs. It is the fact that he will be in the lineup. Not only will the people attending the game be watching, but people all over the world will be watching.

    He can really pitch. This is a guy who two years ago bounced a lot of fastballs that fell short of the target. He has worked hard. ... Today, he is right there striking out people, stopping rallies, fielding his position, getting base hits and challenging hitters.

    We've got to adhere to what the doctors say. He's getting better but not ready to play. There's not a whole lot that we know. We don't see Barry around. We don't see his knee physically. The last time we saw it was over a month ago. We trust the medical people. It's always been up in the air, ever since spring.

    I haven't talked to him. The only information I have has come from the medical people. I don't believe he's doing a whole lot right now. But probably swinging the bat like he always does.

    If at all possible, I want to be at peace with all men, ... But at some point you have to stand up and defend yourself and your people. No one wants to be called stupid, and that's what he was saying about (the Latin players). That's a very hurtful and insulting thing. So you try to be at peace with everyone, but if someone is calling you an ass ... how can you be at peace

    It takes two to sign a contract. This has been a bullpen that has not been treated right, according to some people.

    People overlooked him because he doesn't throw hard. They didn't know the kind of man that was inside that body. They know now.

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