Flip Saunders Quotes on Running (6 Quotes)

    Cato was out of his boot (protecting his injured right ankle). He was shooting and jogging. He's still at least a couple of weeks away (from being able to practice).

    He can put the ball on the floor and make a play, and make a play for somebody. There's no question he's going to have opportunities during this playoff run.

    Every time I go into a game I have, I don't know if you want to call it a cheat sheet or whatever, but I have a list of plays that I'm probably going to run that night. And there's no question that this last week that list has been a lot shorter as far as things we're going to run. There's some things we've put in, some wrinkles in some situations and maybe we'll lay away from some of those not to give them an extra scouting opportunity.

    They can be a team that can get dynamic. What we have to do is know that our strength is defense and we have to just lock down defensively and make them beat us up over the top and know that we're going to contest every play, every shot that's run.

    (With) a young team, what happens is, it's like they're waiting for us to make a run. When a team makes a run, you have to really jump in there.

    It's an old coaching adage, something the old-timers used to tell all the young coaches. Do what teams do to you press a pressing team zone a zone team run on a running team. If you take what is their strength and make it your own, you can get into their heads a little bit.

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