Francis Gannon Quotes (11 Quotes)

    If you go back and recall two years ago, when everyone switched from Pentium II to Pentium II, and now we're switching from P-II to Pentium III, you saw a lot of inventories be built up - customers putting off their buying.

    I like Boeing, which people forget is actually a defense stock, ... I think the defense industry in general is an industry that has gone through its boon, its bust, its consolidation, and there's an enormous amount of operating leverage now at the bottom line.

    I think the productivity numbers you saw this morning lessen the fears in the marketplace about the Fed raising rates.

    The bad news is already priced into the stock, ... It's worth buying at these levels.

    You have to continue to buy the stocks that are leading the market, and for the foreseeable future, that means technology.

    It's still an expensive stock. The mid-20s would be a good entry point for buying Oracle stock.

    The major trend in the market over the last couple of weeks has been uncertainty. Uncertainty about the Fed, uncertainty about earnings, and we're seeing a continuation of that today.

    I think we're going to see further consolidation in the pharmaceutical industry. I think that's going to continue into 1999.

    Those are the stocks that have worked this year. There's a lot of argument right now in the marketplace about valuations the top 50 stocks in the SP are way overvalued. You have to stick with the horses that have gotten you to where you are on a year-to-date basis, and I believe those are the stocks that will carry us after the correction that we're in the process of having right now through the end of the year.

    I still think you'll have favorable growth this year and going into next.

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