Francois Heisbourg Quotes (12 Quotes)

    Iraq is a live-fire training ground in urban terrorism, and that's exactly what we fear.

    In French doctrine, nuclear weapons are meant to deter attacks against 'vital interests,' to create uncertainty among potential attackers about what these interests could be. But here, things get defined. That's a change.

    No French politician will get any mileage by going back on the CAP reforms. Anyone who did would end up with farmers coming out with their pitchforks on the streets, and maybe dumping manure in front of (government) buildings.

    When a government starts losing the trust of the people in the heat of a crisis, anything can go wrong. And this is what happened in Madrid.

    In Beirut when the civil war began, you had electricity 24 hours a day and running water all the time, and the air conditioning was working, and so were the elevators. In the case of Baghdad, it looks like Beirut after 10 years of civil war.

    If you're not clear about that sort of objective, you're not going to be able to implement it when the time comes around.

    The name of the game is to try to line up the international community so the Iranians can't play one against the other.

    The timing doesn't look absolutely great. It's not a speech you give if you're trying to convince people not to acquire nuclear weapons.

    It sounds very banal, but people have greater trust when politicians do politics and operational guys do operations.

    Merkel has a tiny window of opportunity at the EU summit in June of 2007, but even then it is very small.

    What triggered it was the attack against the trains in the Madrid suburbs,

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