Frank Melton Quotes (13 Quotes)

    As far as I'm concerned, this is the first time that I've raised my right hand.

    The only time I was under oath was Monday, and I told the absolute truth, ... Those were not sworn statements ... My perception was that it was legal jockeying.

    It was a lie, I've already admitted that. It was a terrible mistake. I had no intention to mislead this court.

    I said when I was running for office that I was going to give some of these kids jobs. I meant that. A lot of kids make mistakes, and when they come back, they don't have any place to go. That's when they go back to doing what they were doing before.

    Jackson Mayor Frank Melton fumed silently as people crowded around him. He tried to call the county food-stamp office to find out why they were directing people here. He never got through. Two women shouted complaints about the chaos in his ear. The city can handle this fine, ... If I can get all the other agencies out of the way.

    I used the First Amendment to protect sources and to protect some journalists, and I felt very strongly about that, ... It was a serious criminal investigation, and I felt compelled to protect the sources of information and the journalists reporting the information.

    The Jackson City Council vote six to one to apply for a federal grant for 2 million to help developers who want to renovate the structure. Mayor Frank Melton led the charge, but made it clear if this doesn't work the hotel is coming down. ... We are not gonna let this fail, we are gonna make it happen thist ime, we've got the resources to do it.

    I have made a mistake, I apologized for that mistake and I have learned from that mistake,

    I think I owe the court a very serious apology. Why did I mislead or lie I assumed I had First Amendment protection .... It's no excuse for ignorance. I made a stupid mistake.

    If we can't get private investment, then I want to go to the City Council and ask them to buy it as a pilot program for the city,

    I think if it's a private investment, it's a private investment,

    This is our last good, decent shot. Financially this is a decent deal, but if they don't perform, it's coming down, it's just that simple.

    I respect the judge's decision, but I strongly disagree with it.

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    Error & Mistake - Cities - Truth - Investment - Sense & Perception - Stupidity - Place - Ignorance - Resource - Decision Making - Journalism - Aplogies - View All Frank Melton Quotations

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