Franklin Drilon Quotes (10 Quotes)

    The bill which I filed along with 10 other senators last month, will help cushion the impact of the e-VAT law on power consumers, especially the common households. I believe ordinary consumers should be spared from the negative effects of higher electricity bills,

    I would encourage those who are affected by this to go to the Supreme Court and question this absolute prohibition, in effect, of 'no permit-no rally' because this goes beyond reasonable restraint for common good,

    only instigated state violence on otherwise peaceful religious marches and political rallies.

    The right to free speech is guaranteed by the Constitution. Of course, the state has the right to regulate but an enforcement of an absolute no-permit, no-rally prohibition is unconstitutional,

    The obvious intention is to silence President Arroyo's critics.

    The unprovoked water attack on our religious and political leaders who were conducting a peaceful religious activity is unacceptable under a democratic system of government,

    While the impeachment has been killed, that would not solve the political crisis. There are still protests in the streets.

    On the basis of public statements and my consultations with my colleagues, I cannot see 18 senators voting to propose amendments to the Constitution through a constituent assembly,

    It is unfortunate that this need for additional sacrifices comes at the time when the credibility of the country's political leadership is at its lowest ebb. I am afraid President Arroyo will find extreme difficulty in her efforts to convince the people to make further sacrifices given her already worn-out credibility and popularity,

    This is the best thing that ever happened to the Liberal Party. Now, the entire Filipino nation can tell who among us joined the Liberal Party for political convenience and who joined for principles and conviction.

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