Fred Jones Quotes (21 Quotes)

    I wish we really knew (what's going on). With everybody on this team coming back at different times, our chemistry hasn't been completely there all year. Nobody has been on the floor at the same time. Everybody is trying to work back into playing together with everybody's style. It hasn't clicked for us.

    The two leaders compared notes on Iraq's upcoming elections and progress in the training of Iraqi security forces. They exchanged views on the upcoming US-Australia defense and foreign policy ministerial (meeting).

    He was a real surprise. He was not afraid to take the big shots and he hit some big shots for us. He was a pleasant surprise but I think he's just getting started. I really think he's going to play his best basketball at the next level.

    Each win is always important. Regardless of who is in the lineup or who we are facing, we are expected to come out and compete and play hard. Charlotte handed it to us earlier this year, so we knew they were going to come to play. Everybody gets paid in this league.

    My sense is that this plan is well within that. Our intent is to do most in the condominium format.

    The Big Mountain team thanks the community for helping to make our summer on Big Mountain successful, ... We were surprised and very pleased with the response to Summit Fridays. As we now turn our focus on preparing for winter, we hope that the community will continue to utilize the hiking and biking trails on the mountain until the snow flies.

    What you saw was the difference between a veteran team and a young one like ours. The veteran teams do the right things down the stretch to win games. They make the right decisions. We're young and we didn't do the things it takes to win.

    We didn't make the shots we needed to make. That's a young team. Those things are going to happen.

    It was a good look. He flew by me. Maybe I should have jumped into him and drawn the foul or took one dribble to gather myself because I was a little off-balance, but I still felt like I had a good look.

    Hamas is a terrorist organization, should disarm, and renounce violence. We will not talk to any elected officials who are members of a terrorist group.

    It's not going to get better so it's either play now or sit out. It's hurts every time something hits it. I've got to deal with it.

    The United States does not torture. We've said this numerous times in numerous venues. We follow law. The report cites no evidence of any secret prisons or any evidence that the United States was complicit in torture.

    We are not making excuses. We have guys on this team that can play basketball. All of us have to step up when people are out and win games. There is no excuse. We would love to have had them, but they couldn't go and we all had to step up.

    Fast, that's the best way to describe him. He's so light, too, that you can't use your body on him. He can get to wherever he wants on the floor and he can make tough shots.

    The key to our ski business is getting more skiers here during the week.

    Prime Minister Howard thanked the president for his personal concern for the Australian people and noted that it was appreciated.

    We've been trying to improve as the season has gone on. We know we'll have to be playing our best basketball when the tournament comes around.

    They tried to corner me before I left and make me tell them. Jonathan Bender tried to give me some ideas. But he's 7 feet tall. A lot of the stuff he can do, I can't.

    You lose a person of this magnitude, it's a hard pill to swallow. He is someone I've admired for years.

    It will still be a small ski resort. When you compare the new plan with the '92 plans, it's very similar. It's just that over the years we got away from that. We've come full circle.

    Jermaine blocks a lot of shots, but he might have felt he just couldn't get to it. That's his decision.

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    Planning - Sense & Perception - Games - Decision Making - Youth - Time - People - Communities - Violence - Snow - Law & Regulation - Basketball - Winter - Terrorism - Secrets - Light - Excuse - Business & Commerce - View All Fred Jones Quotations

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