Friedrich Muller Quotes on Law & Regulation (10 Quotes)

    Let a fool month after month eat his food (like an ascetic) with the tip of a blade of grass, yet he is not worth the sixteenth particle of those who have well weighed the law.

    The follower of the law, even if he can recite only a small portion (of the law), but, having forsaken passion and hatred and foolishness, possesses true knowledge and serenity of mind.

    But those who, when the law has been well preached to them, follow the law, will pass across the dominion of death, however difficult to overcome.

    Not to blame, not to strike, to live restrained under the law, to be moderate in eating, to sleep and sit alone, and to dwell on the highest thoughts,this is the teaching of the Awakened.

    Wise people, after they have listened to the laws, become serene, like a deep, smooth, and still lake.

    A man is not just if he carries a matter by violence no, he who distinguishes both right and wrong, who is learned and leads others, not by violence, but by law and equity, and who is guarded by the law and intelligent, he is called just.

    The gift of the law exceeds all gifts the sweetness of the law exceeds all sweetness the delight in the law exceeds all delights the extinction of thirst overcomes all pain.

    He who takes refuge with Buddha, the Law, and the Church he who, with clear understanding, sees the four holy truths.

    If a man has transgressed one law, and speaks lies, and scoffs at another world, there is no evil he will not do.

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